BPS Wonogiri Regency Website Management Optimization Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wonogiri Regency

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Statistics of Wonogiri Regency, No corruption, collusion, nepotism and gratification

BPS Wonogiri Regency Website Management Optimization Meeting

BPS Wonogiri Regency Website Management Optimization Meeting

January 2, 2025 | Other Activities

To improve public services, BPS Wonogiri Regency held a Meeting to Optimize the Management of the BPS Wonogiri Regency Website on Monday, December 30, 2024 in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of BPS Wonogiri Regency. As the official government agency responsible for the implementation of basic statistical activities, the BPS website with bps.go.id address is often a reference in the search for statistical data for various interests. The official website of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is a means to disseminate statistical data easily and quickly to the public.

Data can be accessed through the official website of BPS Wonogiri Regency at
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Wonogiri (Statistics of Wonogiri Regency)Jl. Pelem II No. 8 Wonogiri 57612 Telp (0273) 321055

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E-Mail : bps3312@bps.go.id


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