BPS Wonogiri Regency has carried out the Korpri Day ceremony on January 17 2025 at the BPS Wonogiri Regency office yard. This activity was carried out on the BPS grounds of Wonogiri Regency and was attended by all employees and students/internship students.
The Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps (KORPRI) is the only organization and forum for gathering State Civil Apparatus (ASN) which is an integral part of the Government, founded on 29 November 1971 based on RI Presidential Decree Number 82 of 1971 concerning the Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps.
On the same occasion, the Head of BPS Wonogiri District also handed over his appreciation as a supervisor in the Sectoral Statistics Development activities for the period of 2024 to:
1. Koko Prasetyo, A.Md.
2. Elyas Prastowo, S.E., M.Ec.Dev
3. Nina Budiasih, S.Stat.
4. Nova Andriyanto, S.E.
5. Dian Siswanti, SST., M.Si.
6. Eko Apriyanto, SST.
7. Muktasim Billah, SST., M.Stat.
8. Aditya Etika Sari, SST.
9. Rahmatica Sari, SST.
10. Aldila Mursyid Rosuli, SST.
11. Hesti Susilowati, SST.
12. Muhammad Khoirudin, S.E.
13. Umi Sulistyorini Adi, S.Si.
14. Arif Fajar Kurniawan, SST.
15. Sularto, SST., M.T.
16. Wida Tira Tedra, SST., M.Stat.
In addition, appreciation was expressed for the following names:
1. Umi Sulistyorini Adi, S.Si. as Supervisor in Sectoral Statistics activities for the period of 2024 with the most active category.
2. Arif Fajar Kurniawan, SST. as Supervisor in Sectoral Statistics activities for the period of 2024 in the metadata category.
3. Sularto, SST., M.T. as a supervisor in Sectoral Statistics activities for the period of 2024 in the innovative category.