Curious about employment conditions in Wonogiri Regency?, you can get acquainted with the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas). Not only to find out the number of working people or the number of unemployed, there is still a lot of employment information that can be obtained from this survey.
Sakernas February 2025 aims to obtain an estimate of the number of working residents
with various job characteristics, the number of unemployed with various
socio-demographic characteristics, and other employment indicators based on the 13th ICLS employment concept, as well as representative developments at the national and provincial levels. Sakernas 2025 is held four times a year (quarterly), namely in February, May, August and November in 38 provinces and 514 districts/cities throughout the Republic of Indonesia.
BPS Wonogiri Regency held officer training starting with a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on 11-13 January 2025, continued with online training on 14-16 January 2025, and ending with offline training on 21-22 January 2025. Officially opened by the Head of BPS Wonogiri Regency, Mr. Rahmad Iswanto, the training went well and smoothly. Sakernas 2025 officers are expected to be better prepared in understanding the concept of definitions and also conditions in the field later.