Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Wonogiri Regency 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wonogiri Regency

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Statistics of Wonogiri Regency, No corruption, collusion, nepotism and gratification

Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Wonogiri Regency 2022

Catalog Number : 1399013.3312
Publication Number : 33120.2230
Release Date : December 9, 2022
File Size : 3.07 MB


Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics is a survey conducted by the BPS-Statistics of Wonogiri Regency to identify the need for statistical data and the level of customer satisfaction with BPS data and services. SKD has been carried out regularly every year since 2005, but initially it was done only in the Central BPS. Since 2014, the SKD implementation location has been developed up to the Regency / Municipality BPS. In 2022, BPS will again hold SKD at the Central BPS, 34 Provincial BPS, and 480 Regency / Municipality BPS. The results of the 2022 SKD are presented in the form of a publication containing descriptive analysis of consumers, service unit performance, anti-corruption behavior, data needs, and satisfaction with data quality. This analysis is complemented by a presentation in the form of the Consumer Satisfaction Index (IKK) and the Anti-Corruption Perception Index(IPAK).
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