Supervision of the 2024 E-commerce Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wonogiri Regency

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Statistics of Wonogiri Regency, No corruption, collusion, nepotism and gratification

Supervision of the 2024 E-commerce Survey

Supervision of the 2024 E-commerce Survey

November 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

The digital era is growing rapidly,
The tendency of people to conduct buying and selling transactions has begun to shift using various electronic network-based modes such as gadgets/mobile phones.
With this convenience, buying and selling transactions are enough only in the palm of your hand or called Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). It is undeniable that E-commerce activities will have a positive and high impact on the economy. Thus, the government through BPS has made the E-Commerce Survey one of the National Priority Programs.
The results of these activities are expected to obtain an up-to-date sample framework, and other indicators.

Thank you #SobatData, for receiving the arrival of the BPS E-Commerce Survey officer of Wonogiri Regency.
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